Sean graduated from the University of Florida with a 3.9 GPA and scored in the 90%ile on the MCAT. He applied to several medical schools in the state of Florida and was denied acceptance. The feedback he received from the admissions committees was that he was unprepared and lacked the ability to communicate his skills and experiences during the medical school interviews.
What most students don’t realize is that the interview is a chance for medical schools to look at the intangible qualities not captured on the application. It is one of the most important parts of the application process and the part that most pre-med students are unprepared.
Sean contacted College2Career to learn the skill and strategy of interviewing for medical school. Molly Smith, M.A., a career counselor at College2Career, worked with Sean for three sessions to practice key interview questions and work on improving body language and communicating his experiences and skills to differentiate him from other candidates.
Molly’s goal is to “over prepare” premed students so that they will outshine other candidates and to be able to use the new interviewing skills for future interviewing for residency and fellowships programs. Shortly after completing the interview preparation sessions with Molly, Sean interviewed at the University of Miami.
Three months later, Molly received a phone call from Sean. Sean was ecstatic to report that he was accepted at the Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami.