College Counseling

Let us help you choose a major, an internship, build a resume, and more

Monumental Decisions Shouldn’t Be Guesswork

I offer career counseling that is designed to help students find their direction and to make informed and sound decisions about a college major and career options.

Parents, do you find yourself in these situations?

Upset that your student has changed his major several times

Questioning if your student made a good choice in his field of study

Frustrated your student is taking longer than 4 years to graduate college

Bothered by your student’s poor grades

Worried your young adult won’t be employable upon graduation

Noticing after college graduation your young adult is still struggling with a career direction

For students, choosing a college major and a career direction can feel like a monumental decision and at times, it can also feel like guesswork. Unlike any other assessment test, the Highlands Ability Battery for Students is an objective assessment you take on your computer. What’s more, the Battery does not measure the level of your achievements in specific subjects. Instead, it measures your core intrinsic abilities – the abilities you were born with. Research shows that natural strengths and abilities are developed by age 15 and remain constant throughout all of our lives. Some of us are intuitive, quickly grasping broad concepts while others thrive on details, memorizing and understanding facts and formulae. Each of us falls somewhere along the spectrum. How do we measure all these abilities? By having you perform 19 different worksamples on your computer screen and keyboard. Each worksample asks you to do something – organize a group of related facts; find a common thread among seemingly unrelated objects; create a flow of new ideas; manipulate blocks in your mind; mentally poke holes in a piece of folded paper, unfold the paper, and find the holes; identify objects which are added or removed from a picture of common objects. The worksamples are timed, and your results are measured in part by the speed with which you perform each task. The Battery takes three hours to finish. It doesn’t have to be done at one sitting – you can go in and out after you finish a worksample.

When you finish the Battery, you will get a 32-page Report of your core abilities, including a bar chart showing your scores. Each score is expressed as a percentile which relates your score to the scores of all students who have completed the Battery. After you review the Report, you will participate in a three hour feedback session. This will help you link your abilities to the other factors that will influence your career. These other factors are skills, interests, values, goals, family history, personal style and level of schooling. In this way, we are able to see a picture of the Whole Person, especially as the other factors help us to understand and develop our abilities. I will develop a plan that will help you to decide on the right college, what curriculum to follow, and what major you will be most successful and find fulfillment. The Highlands Ability Battery for Students helps you save valuable time, money, and heartache.

I utilize the Highlands Ability Battery to help students identify their natural abilities and to make an informed choice in selecting a college major and career options.

“Parents know to call Molly Smith.”

The sooner you start the process the more time your student will have to determine which options fit him best and to take advantage of all that college has to offer. College is a huge investment in both time and money. Don’t waste either!

Be Excited About Your Career. Let's get started right away!